Team Wheat

Team Wheat

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

...Football Season, that is!  I love football season, not so much because I'm crazy about the game, but because I always splurge and buy myself a new football t-shirt.  Sometimes I design it myself, sometimes I just order whatever the school is selling.  This year, though, I had one custom made, (by the fabulous ladies at Paris Glam), just for me. 

After being Coach's #1 fan for SEVENTEEN (!) seasons, I do believe this is the cutest shirt I've ever had!!  With Coach on the field, and Mitchell playing on the varsity team, I needed a shirt so that I could rep both of my guys.  I personally think it is to die for!  

What did I tell you???  Cuteness on cotton!