Team Wheat

Team Wheat

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


My kids recently got a new DVD, "The Princess And The Frog". They (OK, mostly Mallory) love love love this movie, and watch it repeatedly. For those of you who haven't seen it, it is a great cartoon. It is set in New Orleans, and features several over-the-top characters like spoiled-rich-girl-with-a-heart-of-gold Charlotte, who has the most precious N'awlins drawl. My two youngest, Matt and Mallory love to try to imitate her.

Yesterday after t-ball practice, Matt told his daddy that he was "sweatin' like a cinnamon church." Come to find out, in this movie Charlotte tells her friend Tiana that she is "sweatin' like a sinner in church."

Oh my stars, how I love that boy!!!

1 comment:

Sara @ The Football Wife said...

That is TOO funny! I hope you write that down somewhere to keep FOREVER!