Team Wheat

Team Wheat

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Long time, no, blog.

Well, it's been ELEVEN months since I last posted. Why such a long time, you ask? I'll tell you, but you've got to promise there will be no eye rolling, nor muttering under your breath, OK? Thank you.

You see, it all started when I logged onto my blog one day and discovered that my super cute zebra stripe with a red ribbon and blingy sparkles background had disappeared! Not being quite the blogging pro some of you are, I figured I had done something, or should have done something, or meant to do something, that made my super cute zebra stripe with a red ribbon and blingy sparkles background disappear like that. After much investigating (read: going to their website) I discovered that my blog background "provider" had closed up shop. I spent the better part of the morning searching for another super cute zebra stripe with a red ribbon and blingy sparkles background, but to no avail. Alas.

I was so ticked off by this turn of events that I just simply stopped blogging. I suppose you could call it a cyber-pout.

So, why am I back now, you ask? I'll tell you, but please hold your applause until I finish, OK? Thank you.

I discovered that I can automatically upload pictures from my photo software directly to my blog!!

*insert happy dancing and jazz hands, (along with creepy Jack Nicholson voice)*

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