Team Wheat

Team Wheat

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Frustrations Abound

I will graduate from college with a Bachelors Degree in English in 52 calendar days. 18 class days. Wanna know how many hours, minutes, seconds??? I could totally tell you. Seriously. I have reached the point in my educational career where I practically do not care any more. Learning is for the birds. Ugh.

OK, those of you who actually know me know that is a load of crap. I desperately want make good grades. I have busted my butt for the last four years to get straight A's. The two B's on my transcript make me want to weep whenever I see them. I have resigned myself to making a B in my Spanish class. That won't affect my GPA enough to ruin my chance to graduate with honors.

That being said...

I currently have Bs in three - yes, THREE - of my classes!!

*insert wailing and gnashing of teeth*

In all honesty, these are not really my fault. I am having some serious issues with two of my professors. The problems are nothing I can control, and I need to just let them go and move on, but that's not really how I roll. Unfortunately.

I need to figure out a way to make my head and my heart understand that it is ok if I do not graduate with highest honors.

But it's really not. ='o(

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