Team Wheat

Team Wheat

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Once Again...

Well, it's that time of the year again, folks.  Our Athletic Director has been released, and the search is on for a replacement.  As a coaching family, this is a nerve-wracking time for us.  I have blogged about it before, and unfortunately, I will probably have to blog about it again in the future.
When a new AD is hired, there is always the possibility that he will want to start fresh, with a staff of his own choosing, rather than working with the coaches that are already in place.  Who can blame him?  Everyone wants loyalty from the people they rely on the most.

Coaches very, very seldom spend their careers at just one school.  As a matter-of-fact, most coaches will change districts EVERY TWO YEARS.  Often, those changes require a physical move, as well.  Our family is a rarity:  We have NEVER had to relocate because of Jeff's job.  Knock on wood.  Even when he has changed districts, we have been able to remain in our home.  I'm tellin' ya'll, God is good, folks! 

The committee has already interviewed the candidates for the job, and now the waiting begins.  Again.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog because of the title and just wanted to let you know i'm praying for the staff at GHS. We are friends with Chawn and Danny, and all of you have been on my mind and in my prayers. My husband is also a coach nearby.

Anna Wells said...

Well I didn't mean to be anonymous. My name is Anna Wells. My husband is the head coach at Commerce High School.

Coach Wheat's Wife said...

Anna, thank you so much for your sweet words, and especially for the prayers! It is wonderful to hear from a wife who knows exactly how I feel. You would think that after 18 years in this business it would get a little less stressful each time, but it never does, does it? BTW, Chawn and Danny are great guys, and we absolutely love them to pieces!!

Anna said...

I understand. We have moved many times, and one of the hardest was when our head coach was fired and we decided to leave instead of waiting to see what the new guy would do. Through it all, God has taken good care of us, and I know he has, and will continue to take good care of yours too! We live a crazy, wonderful life, but I can't imagine doing anything else!! Keep us posted!