Team Wheat

Team Wheat

Friday, May 22, 2009

Shhh! Listen...

Jeff mowed the yard this evening, and the kids played outside in the sprinkler while I took four tests for my online classes. We headed to Greenville about 9:15 pm for a late night drive-thru dinner. Matt and Mallory were both asleep by the time we hit Wesley Street, so dinner was a lot cheaper than we had anticipated. :oD

It's now a little after 11, and everyone is settled in for the night. Mitchell is upstairs watching a movie, Matt is snoring on a blanket in the living room floor, Mallory is snoring (lady-like, of course) in Jeff's recliner, and Jeff is snoring on the couch.

Listening to these precious sounds does my heart good. Knowing that all of my family is safe and sound, warm and well-fed (for the most part--LOL) gives me a greater feeling of comfort than eight hours of sleep would.

The best sounds are those of a happy home!!

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